(285) - Loving Cup (Jagger, Richards)
Venue: 1972-06-03 - Pacific Coliseum, Vancouver, Columbia Canada.
Found in 19 bootlegs releases |
Time length: 06:51  Vancouver First Night [161] 2 CD Singer's Original Double Disk [SODD 038/39] |
Time length: 04:35  100% ODD LOTS or "the best of the rest" [743] 1 CD A Vinyl Gang Product [VGP 026] |
Time length: 07:26  S.T.P. CHRONICLES VOL.1 [1267] 4 CD Singer's Original Double Disk [SODD 118/121] |
Time length: 04:39  100% ODD LOTS or "the best of the rest" [3169] 1 LP Trade Mark of Quality [ODD ONE] |
Time length: 04:41  GONNA BUST ANOTHER BOTTLE [3660] 2 CDR Sister Morphine Production [MORPH 35] |
Time length: 04:37  THE REAL ALTERNATE ALBUM - EXILE ON MAIN ST. [4307] 6 LP Red Tongue Records [RTR-014] |