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songs played during 1967 on Studio Sessions:

PlayedSong TitleStudio
[4] Citadel [1108] [1108] [1159] [1244]
[3] 2000 Man [1159] [1389] [1459]
[3] In Another Land [1108] [1159] [1249]
[2] We Love You [1159] [1330]
[2] She’s Doing Her Thing [1159] [1244]
[2] Blues 3 [1159] [1249]
[2] Cosmic Christmas [1159] [1459]
[2] Gold Painted Nails [1159] [1459]
[2] 2000 Light Years from Home [1159] [1389]
[2] Gomper [1159] [1389]
[2] The Lantern [1159] [1244]
[2] Child of the Moon [1159] [1459]
[2] She's A Rainbow [1159] [1262]
[1] Title 15 [1159]
[1] On With The Show [1159]
[1] Sing This All Together [1159]
[1] Majesties Honky Tonk [1159]
[1] Jam One [1159]
[1] Soul Blues [1159]
[1] She Smiled Sweetly [1159]
[1] Sing This All Together (See What Happens) [1159]
[1] 5 Part Jam [1159]
[1] Old King Cole [1262]
[1] Dandelion [1460]
[1] Title 5 [1661]